KaiSoo’s Facts

KaiSoo’s part——by 私生大爆料 taken from EXO私生大爆料.

Original text from KT korea site.

1.In the dorm,Kai likes to hide D.O’s clothes and make D.O look for them.

2.D.O would out of habit,hit Kai.

3.Kai would ask D.O to cook for him no matter what time.

4.In D.O’s eyes,Kai can be easily bullied,although he is young,he does not lose his temper easily.

5.D.O and Kai’s interaction although its not immature, its not anywhere near being mature too.

6.During a Fansign,a Korean fan asked D.O what does he think of Kai,D.O answer is that Kai is easy to get along with.

7.D.O and Kai’s dorm cleaning arrangement,D.O would clean while Kai would clear the rubbish.

8.Suho likes to go to D.O’s room and talk but would be chase out by Kai in the end.

9.D.O and Kai would eat fast-food together(burger,fries,Mliktea(again!))

10.Kai like to tell jokes,D.O and the rest of the members would find it hard to understand what is so funny about the joke.

11.Kai eats a lot,D.O’s bag would always have a some energy food for him.

12.D.O says that Kai is White,this is the reason why Kai refuse to say that he is tan.

Disclaimer by the Chinese translator:She only know basic Korean if there are any translation mistake please forgive her.

English translation by incloudspirit. via mrsflamingchoi

-Kai and D.O are the roommate.

-Both have a sexy lips

-This couples getting attention when they show their  closed skinship at airport during EXO SHOWCase at Beijing.they even share their cap together,

-Both have face that make people cant resist their charm.

-During their EXO Showcase ,D.O  stand behind Kai while kai in sitting position.

D.O put his hands in Kai shoulder.

– during EXO SHOWCASE.Kai getting injured ,fans said,they saw D.O was helping Kai.

-They share their birthday months together,

Kim Jongin: January 14, 1994

Do Kyungsoo: January 12, 1993

( I will looking forward how the fans gonna celebrate this Couple birthday.i cant wait for KaiSoo bday)

-They are always caught staring at each other by fans

-This couple once placed  in the top of Naver search before

-During ShimShimTapa Radio interview KaiSoo cut:

D.O secretly vote for Kai for the member who look like artist and handsome.he actually can vote himself like the other did,but he choose Kai.

-During their trainee,they watch pororo. Pororo is D.O favourite cartoon character.i want to called them pororo couples.

Fan asking kai at Fanboard .

Fan,how tasty the food that D.O doensaeng do for you?

Kai : Did you ever eat spagetthi and Faint,that kind of feels.

D.O describe about Kai : even though he is my doensaeng,if I see him like this,he’s really cool and sexy.It’s to the extent I’d fall for him while looking his performance in the stage.his expression game  is really different than usual rookies’s.Even when I ask him for a part that I don’t know during dance practice ,he teach me really carefully without being annoyed at all ( SBS NEWS INTERVIEW).

-Kai said,Sehun and Suho will do well in acting career,Baekhyun and Chanyeol will do well in variety show while i and D.O will sit a home

They even share their teaser together. My lady. Kai dance and D.O sing the songs.

Source: The Star

source : D.Ougnuts ~ Exo-k~ {D.O Fanpage}

taken from: dodo0112 via mrsflamingchoi

take out with full credit please

BaekYeol’s Facts

  1. 581432_445304572163406_100000516024931_1822606_1570770666_n Baekyeol are roommates
  2. Baekhyun said that Chanyeol’s breathing is way too loud, and he also does this loud sniffling thing before he falls asleep.
  3. Chanyeol said that Baekhyun yelps like a dog 40 times before falling asleep.
  4. Chanyeol mentioned that Baekhyun would listen/ sing songs on quiet streets to relieve stress.
  5. Chanyeol said that Baekhyun would adjust the floor’s heater to a really high temperature and Baekhyun would feel really warm.
  6. Chanyeol said that he and Baekhyun are the mood makers of the group.
  7. Kai feels that Baekhyun and Chanyeol will do well in variety.
  8. Exo’s manager is the most troubled about the members being too rowdy in the car, especially baekhyun and chanyeol — one keeps singing while the other keeps beatboxing
  9. Fan: what are you going to give Baekhyun as a Birthday present? Chanyeol: He likes me right? So I am going to give myself to him as a Birthday present!
  10. [120725] when Chanyeol knew that fans were screaming “baekyeol”, he pulled Baekhyun’s hands closer so that they’re standing close. [cr. exobaek-]
  11. [120725] Baekhyun said he likes elephants but he’s never seen one in real life, so Chanyeol pretended to be an elephant. [cr. exobakehyunthb]
  12. [120725] Chanyeol whispered to Baekhyun but he turned to D.O, so Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun back and he fell onto the floor, so in the end they held hands but Baekhyun hit Chanyeol’s chest. [cr. newthingVS]

taken from: fybaekyeol

via: @mrsflamingchoi


BaekYeol’s part——by 私生大爆料 taken from EXO私生大爆料.

Original text from KT korea site.

1.When tidying his clothes and belongings,Baekhyun would help Chanyeol tidy too.

2.SMTown backstage,Baekhyun pointed at Chanyeol’s feet and commented that it looks like a car.(Chanyeol has big feet,4-6 China size)

3.When BaekYeol are arguing,the people who are affected are always KaiSoo who step in and try to stop them.

4.Chanyeol has a habit of catching Baekhyun,while Baekhyun has a habit of elbowing Chanyeol.

5.Chanyeol often likes to use his hand and put it above his head before putting it above Baekhyun’s head boasting that he is taller.

6.BaekYeol’s dorm is the messiest.

7.We(Korean fans) met BaekYeol outside the company,they waved hello to us(korean fans) with both hands,looking very kind.

8.When the group eats together,BaekYeol will sit together.

9.When they argue,the person to apologize would always be Chanyeol.

10.Sehun would imitate Chanyeol voice when he call Baekhyun.”Baekhyun,Baekhyun~”

11.During fansign,a fan asked Suho who’s room would lights out the latest and Suho answered BaekYeol’s.As they would play video games at night.

12.Chanyeol would steal Baekhyun’s tidbits.

Disclaimer by the Chinese translator:She only know basic Korean if there are any translation mistake please forgive her.

English translation by incloudspirit. taken from: incloudspirit.
via: @mrsflamingchoi

Take out with full credit please.

EXO Ex-Girlfriend

I dont know this is real or not. I just want to share it with u all. enjoy please^^

EXO-K’s D.O.’s

This is real cute ♥

It’s pretty spread between the fans that WM’s girl group trainee, Seo Hye Jin, is D.O.’s ex. I don’t know if it’s true, but the rumor is /widespread/

Rumor goes that Kyungsoo /had/ to break up with her before his debut due to the “no dating” contract and all, and because she’s also a trainee, she understood and said, “Work hard on your future activities and I hope your debut goes successful.”
Her tweet (twitter acc no longer exists) on April 22nd (not much after EXO’s live debut stage) is said to be 100% meant for Kyungsoo: “Wishing all that you do goes well.”

Irrelevant, but Seo Hye Jin’s also hometown friends with B1A4’s Gongchan.

(btw she’s said to be a really nice and sweet girl so please, don’t hate on her over this rumor)

taken from : thekaisoo

shared by mrsflamingchoi


Chanyeol’s ex-girlfriend, Kim Ye Jin (she’s a SM trainee).taken from: exoplosion

EXO-M Luhan’s

[Rumour]Luhan’s ex-girlfriend when he was in high school,named Wei Qian Ya,also from Beijing. then, the second one is Embedded image permalinktaken from: @Planet_EXO

shared by mrsflamingchoi

 then, the second one is this:

Lu Han’s ex girlfriend’s update on weibo:

her message” Luhan-ah, I don’t know what to say to you. I hope you develop/grow well in Korea, your singing is so great. FIGHTING. You can surely be famous…”

taken from: iloveshisus

shared by mrsflamingchoi

 EXO-M Lay’s

BLOG entry written by Lay’s ex-girlfriend:

今天应该是你出道的日子 (2011-12-29 18:02:21) 转载▼标签:杂谈

Today is your debut day (2011-12-29)

I just finished my work, so I decided to go to weibo and write some words for you.

Few hours ago your grandparents called me to inform that you were about to debut soon, and that you were very busy at the moment, they also told me not to worry. But neither of them knew we rarely kept in touch. After receiving their call, I feel so relieved, so I went to visit them. They cooked lots of delicious food for me, they said no matter how our relationship went, they still treated me as their granddaughter. Deep inside my heart, I don’t want to talk about you, I just want to take care of them for you, do all the work you should be doing. I understand, very clearly, that when you choose to be a singer, you can’t stay by their side. I will do everything I could, and try my best to take care of them and make them happy.

We’ve known each other for 6 years, and fallen in love for almost 3 years. I know I’m neither a beautiful girl nor an amazing person, but when we were together, I can feel your love for me. Up till now, I’ve been always thankful that I had the chance to meet you, to know you – a lovely and caring person. Despite the sad things in the past, all the memories between us were so beautiful, thinking about that time again, I have no regret. I remember when we were together, you pretended to be angry at me because I didn’t call you “darling”. Even though you acted like a spoiled child, you still adored, respected me and cared for me…

I don’t know why I’m writing this, just wanna bring up something to talk with you. I always tell myself to forget you so I can move on, slowly, starting a new life without you. But no matter how busy I am, or how I try hard to fill up my mind with work, I still miss you, wondering if you take care of yourself, if your stomach still hurts …

Did you remember that long time ago I showed you my future table plan ? Now I’m trying my best to do it. I’ll give myself 5 years to experience things, grow up and enhance my knowledge. My mother doesn’t want me to face difficulty, but my work is not that hard. I know I have lots of things to do, I have to stay strong. Whenever I miss you, I will log in to weibo to read your diary and all of the letters you wrote for me. Maybe you don’t love me anymore, or maybe what’s between us right now is more than love… No matter what, I will still treasure you and everything you did. I put all the songs you wrote for me in my ipod and listen to them, remembering every single line of them…

It’s just that I don’t want to tell you, I don’t want to be a burden to you, I’m just trying and trying to make you understand… You remember what I always told you, right ? That someday you will thank me for leaving you.

Zhang Yixing ah, I hope that you are still doing well.

Translated by Yeon@FC Zhang Yixing
Eng-trans by Hunhanminren

via SMEnt.EXO , mrsflamingchoi.

EXO-M Kris’

[RUMOR] Kris’s Ex-girlfriend in Junior High School O_O

Via:Planet_EXO omo
shared by mrsflamingchoi

take out with full credit please

EXO-K Sehun’s Facts

  • Nama aslinya Oh Sehoon
  • Tanggal lahirnya 12 April 1994
  • Tingginya 181cm
  • Dia member tertinggi ke-5 setelah Kris, Chanyeol, Tao dan Kai
  • Posisinya di EXO K adalah Lead Dancer, Rapper, Sub-Vocalist
  • Dia magnae di EXO K ataupun EXO
  • Dia salah satu Visualnya EXO

  • Kekuatannya adalah angin
  • Dia satu sekolah dengan Kai (School of Performing Arts, Seoul) juga beberapa artis lainnya
  • Sehun adalah tipe cowok yang benar-benar cowok (alias cowok tulen)
  • Meskipun cowok tulen, tapi dia adalah member yang mudah menangis dan tidak bisa berbohong
  • Sehun suka ngga on time orangnya
  • Dia member paling putih

  • Dia bilang dia sudah mempunyai seseorang yang special
  • Sehun pernah nangis gara-gara baekhyun. Jadi si Baekhyun suka ngaku-ngaku kalo dia kembarannya Luhan trus dia suka niru-niruin gayanya Luhan jadinya si magnae ngambek trus nangis deh.
  • Sehun dekat dengan Donghae Super Junior

  • Sehun mengungkapkan kalau di grup ia sangat menyukai Lu Han.
  • Dia sangat dekat dengan Luhan
  • Couplenya di EXO adalah Luhan
  • Makanan favorit : daging, sushi
  • Warna favorit : Hitam dan Putih
  • dia suka film action
  • angka favorit: 3, 5, 7
  • moto: “Mari kita hidup saat melakukan hal itu kita suka!”
  • Dia pernah menjadi seorang ulzzang (ulzzang itu icon trend remaja pada suatu era)
  • Saat dance, Sehun memiliki gerakan-gerakan yang tegas dan cepat
  • Suka melakukan aegyo

  • Bibir Sehun adalah kunci utama saat dia melakukan aegyo.
  • sukarela di penampungan RCY untuk membantu anak-anak cacat sehingga ia bermain dengan mereka dan merapikan fasilitas
  • Sehun sekamar sama Suho
  • bergabung pada tahun 2008 oleh SM Casting System
  • berada di kelas sepuluh ketika bergabung dengan SM
  • punya kakak cowok lines 91
  • Sehun ditawari ikut audisi oleh seseorang dari SM saat ia sedang makan ddukbokkie dengan temannya. Saat itu ia juga masih kelas 6sd. Alhasil, dia lari dan ngumpet selama 30menit karena takut sama orang itu. (Oemanya bilang dia ngga boleh bicara sama orang asing)
  • Kepribadiannya pemalu tapi setelah mengenalnya dia adalah orang yang ceria dan tidak bisa diam
  • Saat EXO K mendegar kabar bahwa EXO M hampir kecelakaan saat menuju tempat Recording Happy Camp karena ulah fans fanatic. Sehun sama baekhyun langsung nangis, sampe Kai juga ikutan nangis.
  • Sehun ngga bisa nyebrang jalan. Jadi dia selalu pegangan tangan baekhyun tiap kali mau nyebrang
  • Menurut review dari sebuah majalah Cina, sehun bisa masuk kedalam dunia acting nantinya
  • Nama Fans sehun adalah “Whirlwinds”
  • Saat Kai pertama kali bertemu sehun, ia mengira sehun adalah orang yang chic. Kenyataannya sehun adalah orang yang kyeopta dan penuh aegyo

  • Jika sehun merasa malu saat ditanya, ia akan menutup wajahnya dan memasang tampang innocent
  • Jika sedang lapar sehun dan Kai selalu melakukan aegyo pada D.O, dan setelah itu D.O akan membuka kulkas dan memasak makanan.
  • Sehun dan Kai sering membangunkan D.O saat tengah malam dan memintanya untuk memasak
  • Sewaktu trainee sehun pernah marah dan tidak mau berbicara dengan siapapun kecuali Luhan.
  • Sewaktu Trainee, ia satu kamar dengan Luhan
  • Sehun sangat suka Choco Bubble tea
  • Sehun membelikan sebuah gantungan rusa “bimbi” untuk Luhan diLondon
  • Sehun tidak terlalu menyukai fans noonanya memanggilnya dengan sebutan “oppa” ia lebih menyukai dipanggil “sehun-ah”
  • Sehun selalu menangis jika harus berpisah dengan EXO M ketika mereka harus kembali ke Cina dan menjalankan kewajiban mereka untuk promo album
  • Katanya ada beberapa waktu wajah sehun dan Kris terlihat mirip
  • Sehun suka ngomong banmal (bahasa informal) ke hyung-hyungnya
  • Sehun takut anjing galak , tapi suka anak anjing
  • Sehun tingkahnya paling kekanak-kanakan (magnae)
  • Sehun belum pernah pacaran dan first kissnya belum ada
  • Kata Baekhyun, dia dan sehun pernah mandi bareng saat trainee dan menirukan gaya diCF (Iklan)
  • Sehun suka bilang “ssshhh” kalo lagi ngomong
  • Dia juga suka jilat bibirnya kalo ngomong
  • Sehun sering lupa gerakan dance dan suka tabrakan sama chanyeol
  • Sehun adalah member yang paling diem saat interview, dia ngga akan ngomong kalo ngga disuruh
  • Saat ada fans yang ngasi dia kertas dan bertanya apa warna celana dalamnya, dengan polos ia menjawab “hitam”
  • Pernah ketangkep kamera lagi main dorong-dorongan sama D.O
  • Sehun paling susah diatur
  • Kata sehun masakan D.O enak, tapi kata Kai engga
  • Sehun suka ganti gaya rambut
  • Sehun kurang ngerti bahasa inggris
  • Sehun suka bikin hyung-hyungnya gemes sama dia
  • Sehun suka pasang wajah Innocent

  • Ulang tahun sehun deketan sama debutnya EXO
  • Sehun suka banget minum susu, sampe dulu dia nulis diary tentang susu mulai dari khasiat minum susu dan kandungan susu XD
  • Sehun suka bercermin
  • Sehun kalo ditanya, jawabnya suka rada aneh XD
  • Sehun suka makan tapi tetep kurus
  • Sehun terinspirasi sama Boa, katanya kalo diatas panggung penampilan Boa itu santai tapi tetep keren
  • Sewaktu kecil, sehun juga pengen jadi pilot
  • Sehun juga pengen dibilang tampan daripada imut
  • Julukan lain sehun adalah “albino” karena kulitnya benar-benar putih
  • Kata Sehun : Saat showcase, waktu Baekhyun bilang:’aku mandi bersama dgn Sehun’, D.O langsung menjauhkan kursinya dariku..”
  • Sehun tidak suka sesuatu yang khusus, ia akan menghormati semua orang.
  • BaekHyun dan SeHun suka berpose sexy di depan cermin
  • Saat di London seorang fan meminta tandatangan EXO-K, tapi manager tidak memberi ijin. Lalu Sehun bilang “Sorry”
  • Masih di London, seorang fans berteriak “LUHAN!” pada Sehun, dan Member lain tertawa. Lalu Chanyeol menepuk pundak Sehun
  • Sehun pernah menggantikan Minho SHINEE di SMTOWN saat lagu “Love Like Oxygen”
  • Sehun pernah menjadi partner dance BOA dilagu “Only One”
  • Suho dan Kai ngebawain Kue ulang tahun untuk sehun saat di M Countdown
  • Member EXO K menyanyikan lagu selamat ulang tahun untuk sehun
  • Kai terlihat canggung saat ngucapin selamet ulang tahun buat sehun, akhirnya dia bilang “saranghanda” trus sehunnya juga keliatan agak geli gitu XD
  • Saat ending SMTOWN sehun dan Amber F(x) pernah nari “only one”nya Boa
  • Sehun pernah ketawa-ketawa gaje waktu suho lagi ngomong
  • Sehun dan Kai pernah ketangkep kamera lagi gandengan tangan saat dibackstage
  • Di Genie making Film suho pernah bilang “Please love our Magnae, sehun a lot” kebukti banget kalo dia sayang banget sama sehun
  • Saat JJ project nyanyi Bounce, dibackstage sehun juga ikut nyanyi dan niruin gerakannya
  • Telinga sehun akan berubah menjadi merah saat dia malu
  • Sehun selalu disuruh melakukan aegyo diberbagai acara
  • Sehun training selama 5 tahun
  • Kalo sehun lagi ngga mau ngelakuin sesuatu dia bakal bilang “Hyung, shireo” sambil mukul-mukul hyungnya (Unyuuuuu >.<)
  • Menurut sehun bagian tubuhnya yang paling menarik adalah hidungnya
  • Kalo di EXO M ada Luhan dan Kris, di EXO K sehun terpilih sebagai “Men with perfect Features” dan yang memilihnya ternyata adalah fans luhan
  • Kai pernah ngeganggu Sehun waktu sehun lagi ngomong, kai bilang “Sehun, Palli palli” terus sehun mukul-mukul kai XD
  • Fans ngasi julukan ke sehun itu “White Puppy” karena kulitnya putih dan dia imut
  • Sehun bakal ngelakuin “buing-buing” buat ngambil hati fansnya
  • Sehun itu pemalu, waktu di Tailand semua member memperkenalkan diri mereka pake bahasa Tailand dan sehun sendiri yang pake bahasa korea karena dia masih malu >.<
  • Kata Sehun perubahan terbesarnya itu dulu sebelum debut mereka selalu nonton senior mereka diSMTOWN tapi sekarang mereka berdiri sama-sama diatas panggung
  • Sehun pernah memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa Tailand, “hello, I’m the shy maknae, sehun” XD
  • Menurut sehun, kai itu manly tapi dia juga punya sisi imut dan cute. Mereka juga sering latihan dance bareng.
  • Kai sering banget nyeritain hal-hal lucu ke Sehun tapi sehun suka ngga ngerti dan ngga tau dimana Lucunya XD
  • Waktu main games, Sehun pernah nyuapin sesuatu secara diam-diam ke suho tapi ketawan MC XD
  • Kai pernah ngga sengaja bersin waktu suho lagi ngomong di M!Countdown. Abis itu semua member langsung bilang “cwesonghamnida” sambil bungkukkan badan tapi sehun malah tenang-tenang aja ( mulai keliatan evilnya )
  • Sehun sama suho pernah berebut pintu. Jadi ceritanya, suho sama sehun kan sekamar. Suho itu ngga suka dingin sedangkan sehun ngga suka panas. Jadi, waktu suho ngerasa dingin dia bakal tutup pintunya. Tapi malah buat sehun ngerasa panas, jadi dia bangun trus buka pintunya. Begitu seterusnya. Waktu suho ngerasa dingin, sehun bakal ngerasa panas. Akhirnya mereka ngga bisa tidur karena bangun buat buka sama nutup pintu XD Ngga lama kai masuk kekamar mereka dan dia bilang kamar mereka kaya sauna, karena sangat panas.
  • Tipe ideal sehun adalah wanita yang bersih dan rapi
  • Sehun ketawa geli saat kai dan chanyeol disuruh jalan model
  • Member lain ngetawain sehun waktu dia ngirim pesan video ke Luhan. Terutama kai yang ketawa paling geli XD
  • Sehun suka banget sama cincin yang dikasi salah satu fansnya
  • Sehun suka lagu Machine di mini album Mama
  • Sehun suka main games sama hyungnya kalo dia lagi stress
  • Sehun jadi model MVnya TTs “Twinkle” bersama Kai, Baekhyun dan Chanyeol
  • Fans juga ngasi julukan “Oh Mi Ja” ke Sehun karena dia masih dibawah umur XD
  • Sehun juga dijulukin great maknae, karena dia pernah nyuapin makanan kesalah satu MC
  • Sehun suka Khao soi (noodles soup) – makanan Tailand –
  • Kata Sehun, Suho itu leader yang baik. Dia bakal ngejaga sehun selama dia tidur
  • Kata Sehun, dia adalah member yang paling tampan diEXO K XD
  • Sehun suka lagunya JB “Baby”
  • Nicknamenya sehun itu “Baekgu” karena kulitnya putih
  • Menurut baekhyun bahu sehun itu besar dan pinggangnya sangat panjang
  • Menurut sehun, kai itu manly, D.O itu hangat, perhatian dan juga tampan. Chanyeol itu ceria, baekhyun itu jahil, dan Suho itu good looking
  • Kata Kai, kadang-kadang sehun melingkarkan tangannya dibahu para hyung dan bertanya dalam bahasa informal “apakah itu enak?” XD
  • Sehun itu yang paling pinter bohong di EXO K. Tapi maksudnya buat ngerjain hyungnya
  • Sehun takut kalo berada di lift sendiri
  • Sehun tau bagaimana meniru suara Chanyeol
  • Sehun pernah menulis diary saat semasa Sekolah Dasar dan ada yang berisi bahwa ia ingin menjadi Presiden. XD
  • Selama di London, sehun selalu berpegangan dengan suho
  • Sehun masuk kesebuah toko sepatu. Saat melihat sepatu yang ia suka Sehun membandingkan ukuran sepatu itu dengan sepatu yang ia pakai. Ternyata toko sepatu yang lagi disamperin Sehun itu lagi diskon 50 % -__- Dan saat membeli sepatu tadi, Sehun menggigit jarinya karena bingung ingin membeli yang mana
  • SeHun ingin ke watphrakaeo (kuil Thailand) karena dia dengar tempatnya sangat cantik. Oleh karena itu dia ingin mengunjungi lokasi itu ketika berada di Thailand.
  • Kai bilang, “aku tidak tau jika sehun tampan saat 3 tahun lalu, tapi sekarang aku baru sadar kalau dia sangat tampan” . Jadi menurut kai, sehun itu gantengnya tiba-tiba
  • Luhan, Chanyeol, D.O dan Sehun nyanyiin lagunya Usher “Dj Got Us Fallin’ in Love” saat SMTOWN bareng TTS
  • Fans pernah ngetawain sehun saat SMTOWN di Jakarta karena saat dia mau nyapa fans, dia nyontek tulisan yang ada ditangannya
  • Saat pertama kali debut, Kai grogi banget. Sebelum naik ke panggung sehun ngasi semangat buat Kai
  • Sehun suka pake topi
  • Sehun pernah disuruh nunjukin kekuatannya ( dia disuruh ngeluarin angin ). Nah pas dia acting, member lain ngebantu dia dengan cara niupin rambutnya sehun XD
  • Suho pernah nyuruh sehun buat niruin suaranya Rabbit (High Kick 2) sambil aegyo, dan itu imut banget
  • Shindong Super Junior juga pernah nyuruh sehun aegyo. Jadi dia nanya ke sehun, “Sehunnie, How old are you?” trus sehun jawab “19 y.o..” dengan aegyo
  • Sehun pernah disuruh sexy dance waktu di Sukira
  • Sehun juga suka ngajakin D.O buat beli bubble tea

credit : koreadansaya

shared by mrsflamingchoi

take out with full credit please




HunHan’s Fact

i shared HunHan’s facts in english and indonesian, enjoy it^^


-Sehun can say Luhan’s Chinese name better than he can say his own
-Before their debut, Luhan and Sehun were often mistaken as real brothers by other trainees.

-The owner of the bubble tea shop that Sehun and Luhan go to said that they come to order bubble tea often and always take the spot at the back of the shop.

-The first time EXO performed as 12, Sehun and Luhan stayed in one hotel room.

-Kai always makes fun of Sehun’s quick reaction whenever he hears fans’ say “Luhan”.

-Sehun and Luhan both like to stay together, and they like to tease each other.

-At the fansignings, whenever fans mentioned Luhan to Sehun, he would have trouble trying to hide how happy he is.

-Sehun doesn’t like that Kai’s “Luhan” doesn’t sound right (not sure about this one).

-Luhan bought one of Sehun’s baseball caps for him in China.

-A sasaeng saw Sehun calling Luhan at the door (either their dorm or SM building).

-Luhan and Sehun like to put their arms around each others’ shoulders.

-Luhan and Sehun don’t really fight, completely opposite of Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

– Sehun and Luhan has a 4-year age difference

-Were both born in April with a different date and year (Sehun: 12 April 1994, Luhan: 20 April 1990)

-Although Luhan 4 years older than Sehun, but Sehun height higher than Luhan. And height is below 180cm Luhan

– They’re both narcissistic

-Originating from different areas, not be a problem for this couple ^ ^ HunHan

-Luhan clever plotting rubik’s just within 2 minutes (this was proven when the Wlive Korea) and can only see hyungnya Sehun that make up the Rubik * LOL

-HunHan both had an aura of cute and cool

-Sehun and Luhan often seen joking as an introductory session in Wlive

-Sehun look more mature than Luhan, Luhan more often looks cute

– Are equally good at dance

-SM also upload a teaser Luhan and Sehun

-Many exotics are HunHan couple agree that the couple will pledge EXO

-Both had a lot of fans

-Participated in the Korean Wlive

-Have a sense of humor (evident in Wlive Korea)

-Sehun has the cool looks and narcissistic, he is also including Korean Ulzzang know. If Sehun in Korea, as well as in China Luhan (Ulzzang it a trendy teen icon and a role model in each of the state)

-Apart from dance champion, HunHan couple of expression is also smart in front of the camera, look trendy and narcissistic!

-Sehun new school, together with Kai

-HunHan hobby listen to music

-HunHan both baby face


In Indonesian:

1. Sebelum debut, trainee yang lain ngira kalo sehun sama luhan bener-bener kakak adik
2. Kai selalu mengejek reaksi cepat sehun kalo ada fans yang memanggil nama “luhan”
3. Sehun dan luhan suka naro lengan mereka dibahu satu sama lain
4. Sehun dan luhan juga jarang berantem, ngga kaya baekhyun sama chanyeol
5. Saat pertama kali EXO ada disatu panggung, Sehun berbagi kamar hotel sama luhan
6. Mereka memiliki perbedaan usia 4 tahun
7. Keduanya sama-sama narsis
8. Wajah mereka juga mirip

9. Sewaktu trainee sehun pernaH marah dan tidak mau berbicara dengan siapapun kecuali Luhan.
10. Sewaktu Trainee, mereka adalah roomate
11. Saat ulang tahun Luhan, sehun bilang “aku sangat mirip dengan luhan hyung kan?” trus dia meluk luhan. Abis itu dia bilang “Luhan hyung, selamat ulangtahun. Dia adalah hyung yang baik untukku. I Love you”
12. Sehun membelikan sebuah gantungan rusa “bimbi” untuk Luhan diLondon

  •  Kalo di EXO M ada Luhan dan Kris, di EXO K sehun terpilih sebagai “Men with perfect Features” dan yang memilihnya ternyata adalah fans luhan
  •  Member lain ngetawain sehun waktu dia ngirim pesan video ke Luhan. Terutama kai yang ketawa paling geli XD
  • Mereka sama-sama punya wajah yang innocent
  • Kalo di EXO M ada Luhan dan Kris, di EXO K sehun terpilih sebagai “Men with perfect Features” dan yang memilihnya ternyata adalah fans luhan.
  • Member lain ngetawain sehun waktu dia ngirim pesan video ke Luhan. Terutama kai yang ketawa paling geli XD
  • Mereka sama-sama punya wajah yang innocent (pic 3)
  • Walaupun 4 tahun lebih tua dari sehun. Tapi sehun lebih tinggi daripada Luhan
  • Mereka sama-sama jago ngedance
  • Sehun mengungkapkan kalau di grup ia sangat menyukai Lu Han.
  • Saat sehun ulangtahun, MC selalu menunjuk Luhan untuk mengucapkan selamat ulangtahun padanya ( Tauu ajaaa )
  • Luhan dan sehun membeli bubble tea setiap hari
  • Setiap ditanya hubungan Exo M dengan Exo K, Luhan selalu kebagian buat ngejelasin tentang sehun begitu juga sebaliknya
  • Saat interview Yinyuetai, luhan ngirim pesan keSehun “Sehun-ah, take care of your health there”
  • Waktu EXO M ditanya “apa kalian tau 22 april itu hari apa?” Luhan langsung ngejawab “ulang tahun sehun”
  • Di Music Billboard Interview, luhan pernah ngucapin selamat ulang tahun ke Sehun. Dia bilang, “sehun-ah, besok adalah hari ulang tahunmu, dan umurmu akan bertambah satu tahun setelahnya. Aku harap kau bisa menjadi lebih dewasa dan semakin terkenal di Korea. Saengil Chukkae”
  • Di Youku Live chat, Luhan bilang gini “sehun-ah, hari ini adalah hari ulang tahunmu. Aku harap kau selalu bahagia dan diberkati ditahun ini. Jika ada sesuatu yang membuatmu cemas, beritahu aku. Hyungmu” (cwiiiiiiit>.<)
  • Luhan dan Sehun pernah menjadi Partner dance BOA dilagu “ONLY ONE”
  • Sehun bakal jadi seneng kalo disuatu acara lagi ngomongin Luhan.
  • Waktuditanya “Siapa member EXO M yang dekat dengan kalian ?”Suho bilang, semuanya dekat tapi sehun sangat dekat dengan luhan. Trus baekhyun nyaut, “sebenarnya dia sedang jatuh cinta pada luhan” XD
  • “Little deer, we haven’t drank bubble tea together for a long time already. Let’s go drink some bubble tea and have a chat soon. I always love you. Saranghaeyo hyung^^”- pesan video sehun untuk luhan-
  • Saat sehun ditanya apakah dia menyayangi luhan, dia langsung menjawab dengan tegas, “Ya, I love him”
  • Sehun nyampein pesannya Luhan ke Sungmin dan Ryeowook di Sukira. Dia bilang, “Luhan bilang, senior sangat tampan”
  • Menurut Tao, satu-satunya cara untuk membuat Luhan menjadi dewasa adalah dgn membawa Sehun disampingnya.
  • Pemilik toko bubble tea tempat di mana Sehun dan Luhan datang mengatakan bahwa mereka datang sering memesan bubble tea dan selalu mengambil tempat di bagian belakang toko
  • Waktu Suho bilang kalo dia suka sama luhan sejak pandangan pertama, sehun langsung noleh dan melotot ke suho XD
  • Hunhan couple sering dijadikan sebagai lelucon di kalangan anggota karena kedekatan mereka.
  • Ada satu teaser hunhan yg tidak dirilis, mereka didepan api unggun dan terlihat saling menyayangi satu sama lain.
  • BaekHyun bilang dia mirip sama LuHan trus SeHun langsung menjawab bahwa ia yg lebih mirip
  • Chanyeol merupakan ” HunHan Shipper”
  • Member EXO yang diberi surprised saat Ulangtahun saat disebuah acara yakni “HunHan” dimana Sehun di MCD dan Luhan di YunYuei Interview
  • Saat Perayaan ulangtahun Tao mendapatkan ciuman dari Sehun, dan Sehun juga mencium Luhan
  • Kai sangat mendukung HunHan couple
  • Seorang fans pernah memergoki sehun sedang memanggil Luhan lewat pintu masuk ( Baik didrom maupun SM building)
  • Sehun bilang, Luhan itu kakak yang baik, manis dan perhatian
  • Sehun suka video call sama Luhan kalo Luhan lagi di Cina
  • Sehun lebih milih Luhan daripada Choi Ji woo
  • Kai sering banget ngolokin sehun saat ada fans yang berteriak “Luhan!” ke dia karena sehun bakal jadi salting dan malu-malu
  • Mereka sama-sama lahir di bulan april ( Sehun 12 april, Luhan 20 april )
  • Kalo Luhan suka Taro Bubble Tea, sehun suka Choco Bubble tea
  • Sehun, “Luhannie hyung mempunyai wajah yang cantik, dia bias menari dengan baik, bernyanyi dengan baik, dan dia sangat imut”
  • Dimanapun EXO K sama EXO M satu panggung, pasti ada hunhan moment

  • Mereka berdua dulunya sama-sama Ulzzang
  • Luhan : “saat pertama kali mengenal sehun, dia itu orang yang pendiam dan benar-benar seperti anak kecil. Tapi saat sudah mengenalnya, dia sangat ceria dan tidak bisa diam. Dia adalah adik yang imut membuat siapapun yang mengenalnya mempunyai insting untuk melindunginya”
  • Saat showcase di Cina, Luhan pake sarung tangan putih ditangan kirinya dan pasangannya dipake sama sehun.
  • Luhan sama sehun suka banget duduk deketan kalo EXO lagi satu panggung
  • Saat di Happy Camp, MC nanya sama sehun ‘tahun berapa kamu lahir?’ yang jawab malah luhan, “dia bilang tahun 94”
  • Waktu main Ignition Shock, setelah Luhan adalah giliran sehun
  • Saat Fansign di Tailand, Sehun duduk disamping Luhan
  • Waktu di WKorea Photoshoot Live, Sehun sama Luhan ngga terpisahkan

  • Sehun juga yang paling semangat kalo ngeliatin main rubik
  • Sehun : “Luhan hyung is always nice to me. And even though his age is a bit old, it doesn’t show in his appearance. Also he’s good looking and cute. He can also dance well and sing well. He’s really a talented man. He’s great!!!”

credit : kpopfanfictionlittlegirl & koreadansaya

shared by mrsflamingchoi

take out with full credit please

EXO-M Luhan and EXO-K Sehun confirm that HunHan is real

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After EXO‘s showcase in Korea that was held in the 31st of May, the boys of EXO got to speak freely in an interview backstage where they weren’t so nervous. They were asked questions like how they sleep; what the atmosphere is like backstage and how they think they have changed since their trainee days.

Also, the ultimate question was asked to Luhan about what he thinks of the fans reaction to the HunHan couple (Luhan and Sehun couple).

The interview is here:

Int.: Among the EXO-K members, who sleeps in bed?

Su Ho: All of us really want to sleep in a bed, but there is only 4 to 5 that can suit.

ChanYeol: Because I’m tall I sleep on the floor. But if they [EXO members] are not in their beds, I sleep on them [the beds]. (Laughs).

Baek Hyun: I usually sleep in bed with Se Hun.

Se Hun: But I sleep with D.O.

D.O: Nobody sleeps with Baek Hyun because he’s too naughty.

Baek Hyun: Eh? (all laughs)
Int.: Is it hard for you to change your costumes especially because you are 12 members?

Lu Han: Yes, there’s still a lack of time but because of the staff who help us, we also cooperate to be in time so we can overcome it.

Int.: We can see that you really have had a lot of changes from being a trainee up to a performer now, what are those changes? We’ll start with Baek Hyun.

Baek Hyun: Yes, before I normally just stood in corners, talk to them and show some aegyo (laughs) but now I’ve improved; being shy is not my style now.
ChanYeol: He shows more aegyo now. (all laughs)
Xiu Min: Me, just the same (smile) my skills are improving now.
Lay: Also, I’ve gained my confidence and my skills are improving.
Tao: I already overcome being a shy type guy. (members are saying ohh?)Yes, really, I also practiced more and more and I became more confident.
Lu Han: There are no big changes for me but… ChanYeol: (interrupts) your hair.. (all laughs)
Chen: Everything’s still the same, nothing changed, it’s just that everyone of us is improving.
Lu Han: My skills from before are really improving. Also my professionalism.
Se Hun: I’m still a shy guy. But thanks to them [EXO members] I can
overcome it step by step. And my singing abilities are doing good.
D.O: Practicing everyday really helps me, us, to improve. And I try to change my eye popping out, (all laughs)
Su Ho: Now that I’m EXO-K’s leader, my leadership skills have improved a lot. And I hope that in the future I will be a good leader to follow.
Kris: Yes, same with the members, overcoming shyness and improving things that need to be improved, especially facing people. Be responsible and grow taller (laughs).

Int.: What can you say, Se Hun and Lu Han, now that HunHan is known to all.

Lu Han: I confirmed HunHan is true and we will do our best to give to the HunHan shippers.
Se Hun: (shy) Yes, HunHan is real so keep supporting us, even if we may separate. HunHan couple forever (bows-all members are clapping).
source: wowkpop
via mrsflamingchoi
take out with full credit please